Declutter With These Remarkably Amazing Tips When You’re Actually Overwhelmed

Has that pile of clothes been looking at you for weeks? How tall is the stack of dishes in your sink? Is just THINKING about having to declutter by doing either of these causing you so much anxiety, you can’t function and you’re feeling super overwhelmed? Twin! Same :). I get so overwhelmed at the thought of decluttering once the mess is so far gone. But here’s how I manage to still get things done!

So I’m not going to paint this picture as if I always stay on top of things. That’s just not life for me. If it’s not for you either, that’s okay! Don’t let social media trick you into thinking everyone has this aesthetically pleasing life ALL THE TIME. Especially with a kid or a chronic illness, you won’t always have the energy to keep it up. This is your safe space. Take some tips, implement them, and see what works in YOUR daily (or even weekly) life. Overcoming overwhelm is a process, and mostly a mind shift, and there’s nothing “easy” about changing your way of thinking. However, with practice, it can be accomplished.

Check out my cleaning schedule for ways to stay ahead of clutter in the future.

Tip 1: Take It Slow, Declutter 1 Task At A Time

Taking it slow means 1 room, 1 task, 1 shirt or dish at a time. Instead of looking at all the things that aren’t done, just look at what you CAN do right now, today! Looking at the bigger picture is great for creating lists of what you need to do so you cover everything. However, once you already know what needs to be done, you can begin to declutter one tiny area at a time.

Then, when you complete a task, mentally celebrate what you’ve done. Don’t finish and say “wow that’s all I did” and beat yourself up about all the things you still have left to do. Instead, try to think “that was so easy and now I ONLY have a few more things to declutter”.

Tip 2: Get Shit Out Of The Way

Once you’ve decided on a room to tackle, clear it out! By getting shit out of the way, you can then decide what you want to put back. This method helps you see the real value in things. Starting with a blank canvas, once you’ve achieved the look you want, you’ll really debate if everything else that was there was necessary. You’re far less likely to put things back if it starts to clutter the area. You can evaluate and swap items as necessary or find a new home for things that you don’t want junking up that room/area/etc. but need to keep.

Tip 3: Just Start

Just start! I’ll take that statement a little farther and say, just start with the area that bring you the most overwhelm. Just start with the area that would clear your mind and satisfy you most! Doesn’t that just sound relaxing? Take a moment to just envision what declutter looks and FEELS like. I’m motivated to go start a load of clothes just writing this. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you see clean, open space. Just me? No, you’ve made it this far so I know we’re the same kind of weird!

Tip 4: Declutter Over Time

Don’t feel like you need to get everything done right away. While it can be important to get things done so you don’t feel overwhelmed, tackling everything at once will give you the same feeling. And ultimately, you may wind up doing less because you’re so preoccupied with all that needs to be done. Commit to a room, a corner, whatever small goal. It will give you a sense of accomplishment that will fuel the next goal.

Head over to my Youtube channel for declutter motivation!

Realistically declutter when you're overwhelmed with your home
Realistically declutter when you’re overwhelmed with your home

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