Practical 2023 Spring Cleaning Priorities You Need To Have

As I’m coming up on my first full year as a homeowner, I’m feeling much more knowledgable about different cleaning nuances of living in this area. That includes pests, areas that accumulate clutter, and how often different things need to be cleaned. Last year around this time I was more concerned with move in cleaning, which meant getting rid of any sign of human life before my family. This year, I’ve put off spring cleaning because we have had some drastic shifts in weather and I just saw snow IN LATE MARCH. Now, I want to focus on spring cleaning neglected spaces and challenges that come with season shifts in the Midwest.

If you’ve read about my cleaning lists and chore charts, you know that cleaning thoroughly daily is essential. So what is spring cleaning? Well something about new seasons bring new challenges. Spring cleaning is when you prepare for these new challenges by cleaning every surface of your hoe. ESPECIALLY in the Midwest transitioning between winter and spring. Snow kills off a lot of pest problems (the only benefit of winter), but nice weather in spring brings pollen and pests. We have to pick our battles. Try these 2023 spring cleaning checklist in your home.

Spring Cleaning Priorities


This year I’m taking every doormat inside and out and giving it a good clean. I feel like this has helped not only with the appearance of my home, but also bugs. Everything I do at this new place is with the intention of keeping bugs at bay. I wouldn’t call it a rural area but there’s certainly more green space than I’m used to and pest control has never been so necessary.


I really could have saved this one for last, but it’s so important I wanted it to be one of the first things I mentioned. After, and I do mean after not before, you clean everything you want to clean, spray for bugs. You’ve just washed away some of the effectiveness of your home defense sprays or natural repellants. Not to mention, you likely haven’t done any spraying over the long winter season. Now that you’re thoroughly cleaning your home, you need to refresh your barriers with new bug repellant.

Behind Appliances

Here’s one I do every spring cleaning season. Usually, more often. Out of sight out of mind is a real thing, but it can get icky after a while in the places we see least often.

Step it up: Get above (or below) your appliances too! When was the last time you cleaned the top of your refrigerator? I bet there’s a cobweb that might even feature Charlotte, with your name on it. Even under the microwave is probably sticky. I don’t mess around with the dishwater too much because I’m scared to break it.


This one should be super simple because it’s something we keep up with daily or weekly. For spring cleaning, I would let some Dawn Powerwash sit on your counters for a minute, especially the edges where the counter meets the wall. Then I like to wipe mine down with an antibacterial spray like Lysol.


I am horrible at cabinet organization. Not because I don’t know how but because I will hold on to things or refuse to spend money to get the most efficient use of the space. If you have a small kitchen like my condo, maximizing space is not optional!

Step one is to consolidate your collection. I am guilty of having different sets of dishes. As badly as I want to be aesthetic, I am realistic! Some sizes I need more than one of. However, some of my old dishes can go (I guess, *long eye roll*). So start with tossing, or giving away, old dishes that no longer serve you. Then, we organize at dawn!!

This year I tried these cabinet organizers from Amazon. I have so many pots AND I have to have snacks where my son can reach them so lower cabinet space is tight! These organizers help me optimize space and KEEP things decluttered, which is awesome because once I declutter I never want to have to do it again.


I’m going to say it and I’m ready for the side eyes. GET RID OF THAT JUNK DRAWER. I’m speaking to myself too. I have a catchall drawer in my kitchen and it seriously has to go. I saw a TikTok video where she organized her junk drawer and I was MORE THAN inspired. Check out these Amazon faves to help get you started.

Then, your bedroom is not off limits ma’am. That nightstand, yeah get that too. Oh your dresser, mhm we’re not leaving that out. Is that a file cabinet in your office? CLEAN IT! And yes, I’m raising my voice.


I am guilty of never cleaning windows. This year I’m changing that! Especially having a sliding door now, I see the value. I love open windows and it can be an eye sore seeing spots remaining from bugs you’ve killed or just general filth. We definitely tend to focus more on downstairs windows, but I challenge you to hit the upstairs too.

Don’t neglect cleaning the space between the screen and window. This is another place that collects dead insects, dirt, and whatever else! When you clean it, be sure to spray again for bugs, as you’ve now washed away any pest control you did before.


This is probably one of the simplest tasks that can truly benefit your space. It’s as simple as cleaning them out, inside and out. Ditch the sticky, stinky trashcan. Wipe your trashcan down inside and out to eliminate drawing potential pests in, and to elevate the smell of your home.

For bonus points, especially if you live in a place where you have to store the garbage can in your garage, clean the garbage can too. To eliminate odors, I like to attach an air freshener inside the lid! This has helped drastically in those week’s where the trash is just more smelly. It seriously bothered me when I first moved because my whole house would be funky!


The forgotten one. Handles are a silent carrier of all types of bacteria and germs. Flu season may be over but allergy season is loading. Refresh your space with clean door handles inside and out. All it takes is an antibacterial wipe and just like that your doors are ready for spring visitors. Add this one to your daily/weekly/monthly regimens depending on the amount of traffic your home gets.


Closets are my arch nemesis and spring cleaning would be one of the only times I’ll even consider tackling them. If you hate closets as much as I do commit to decluttering one closet at a time. For my spring cleaning checklist, I’ve committed to just the downstairs coat closet.


Now that you’ve just know how to spring clean your home, open the windows and let some fresh air in! Don’t forget to ventilate in the process if you’re using strong cleaning agents. If you’re wondering how to spring clean your house in a day, the answer is stop trying to. Take your time and actually enjoy the process instead of rushing.

But if you’re dead set on getting everything done, I’d say start early and tackle things systematically from the easiest thing to the hardest. I like to call this the avalanche method, like with finances. You feel more accomplished the more you get done, and if you don’t get to everything, there will be more clean than not clean. As opposed to if you started with the most challenges places and not only a corner is clean.

What’s your “can’t miss” spring cleaning spot? Let me know in the comments!

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