5 Powerful Ways To Increase Breast Milk Production

As breastfeeding moms, our supply is always in the back of our minds. We question ourselves and wonder: How much milk do I have? Am I producing enough? And of course – How can I get more? If you are looking for answers on how to increase breast milk supply, we’re here to help you learn a few ways to increase your breast milk production. This should put some of those questions to rest. Give your supply a boost with these five proven ways to increase breast milk production.

Author: Taylor Reign at Life As Taylor

5 Ways to Increase Breast Milk Production

1. Supply and Demand

The number one factor in breast milk supply is the demand that is created for the milk. Our bodies are incredible! We actually produce a certain amount of milk based on what our body has determined is needed. If you want to increase your supply, the first step is to increase the demand. Let your baby latch for comfort, or pump in between nursing sessions to send the message that more milk is needed. Your body will fill the order.

Baby wearing can also play a crucial role in increasing supply. The oxytocin produced when moms hold babies not only promotes bonding but also helps with breastfeeding since oxytocin triggers milk release (let-down). This close, physical contact also increases a mother’s ability to spot early feeding cues from her infant.

2. Power Pump or Cluster Feed

If adding a few extra nursing or pumping sessions isn’t doing the trick, try power pumping or cluster feeding. I’ll be honest, this is a big time commitment, but the results are seriously worth it. Pump or nurse once every hour to two hours. Even if you aren’t getting much (I’ve sometimes gotten less than an ounce when power pumping), don’t be discouraged. Remember, the goal is to increase breast milk production. Don’t worry about the milk that you’re getting today, keep at it to have more milk tomorrow.

3. Hydrate to Increase Breast Milk

Breast milk is 87% water. This means that our hydration levels have a huge impact on our supply. While nursing, you should drink about ½ to ¾ of an ounce of water for every pound that you weigh. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should drink 75-112 ounces of water each day. In addition to the direct impacts, dehydration causes headaches, lack of energy and moodiness. These physical and psychological symptoms can also indirectly impact milk production.

4. Lactation Products

There are tons of items that you can purchase to help increase your supply. These include teas, cookies, granola bars, supplements, and more. The active ingredients in these products are usually fenugreek, oatmeal, or fennel seeds. If you want to boost your milk supply, these may work for you. Keep in mind, the effects may only last as long as you are consuming the active ingredient. These products are more effective when used in combination with the techniques above.

5. Visit a Lactation Consultant

If you have lingering questions about how to increase breast milk supply, seek the assistance of a lactation consultant. These professionals are specifically trained in lactation and can provide a wealth of support to breastfeeding moms. Lactation consultants can work with you at a clinic, birth center, or even in the comfort of your own home. 

Breastfeeding is magical and can be mysterious at times. But increasing your supply doesn’t have to be a mystery. I hope that these tips help to increase breast milk production and ease your mind. You got this, mama!

Increase Breast Milk Supply Today With These Proven Methods
Wondering if you’re producing enough milk for your baby? Endlessly searching for ways to increase your supply? Check out these 5 proven ways to increase your supply when nothing else will work!

Author: Taylor Reign at Life As Taylor

What ways have you attempted to increase your breast milk production?

5 breast milk production hacks to increase supply today
Wondering if you’re producing enough milk for your baby? Endlessly searching for ways to increase your supply? Check out these 5 proven ways to increase your supply when nothing else will work!

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